14 February 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope everyone has had a good one. Mine has been alright. I got to work early, had a little talk with the new bossman and got put in charge of evaluating some possible training materials for the Helpdesk. And we've had printer issues. Robin is going to see about getting me a new one. YAY!!!
Also, I didn't get flowers this morning from Josh, but I like what I got better. I got some cooking dishes from the Anchor Savanna pattern. It's a cake pan, a baking dish, and a quiche. It may not be flowers, but it will last a lot longer. Assuming I don't break it! But, it doesn't have a flower pattern on it....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's Great. Kevin tried to send me flowers also however he waited so late the the florist was not going to be able to deliver them until 7pm that night. So he said never mind and took a long lunch from work and surprised me with a lunch date. It was nice for a change. :) Brandi