19 August 2005

It's Finally Friday...

...And I'm not FREE YET!!!!!!!
I have to work move in tomorrow at USM. It's evil! I have to work outside, 1-5. I'm dreading it with a passion. But at least it will be overtime. Overtime might make it worth it.

Today I had to work what they are calling PUC, Personal University Committment. I basically left my normal job of answering the Helpdesk phones to go sit by a girl I don't care for from 1:15ish to 4. Not fun. But the change of pace was nice. Instead of helping people over the phone I was setting up wireless for students in our billing system. I was faster at it than the other girl, and she actually does it for a living. I thought it was amusing. But we'll keep that little secret between just us.

My neice Ashleigh started CRAWLING today. Check out Jackie's blog for more details.

The wedding plans are currently at a stand still. I am waiting for music selections from my wedding planner Cat. She needs to get her butt in gear! She goes on maternity leave before long and I want those music selections! Hopefully she will get them to me next week.

17 August 2005

Great Story

I just want to put the following address out in the open.
My friend Chuck sent it to me and it is WONDERFUL!!!

16 August 2005

Stupid University Stuff

If anyone is famialar with universities, they have to do stuff the hard way.
USM offers each faculty, staff, and student a free e-mail address. These username for these addresses used to be some variation of your name. Then the university decided to go to id numbers for everyone. At this time, new students/faculty/staff where given usernames of w+id. Now, they go off and decide to make everyone's username this.
This was not well thought out. I work for the Helpdesk. We were bombarded with calls this morning related to this change. And there were some big problems with e-mail that developed. Like people losing all their e-mail. And a few accounts ceasing to exist. I hope it is all fixed tomorrow.

But something great did come of all this. A guy called the girl that sits next to me this morning. He told her that he was working on the e-mail stuff, but was getting a UTS error. She said she had never heard of that, but would try to help him get it straightened out. He let her go on for a minute before asking if she really didn't get it. She, being the brunette in the office that gets accused of being a blonde, admitted that she didn't have a clue what it was. He then proceeded to explain to her that it was a 'User Too Stupid' error. The entire office got a great laugh out of it. While I was all right, a couple of the other guys needed a little pick-me-up. This was a great one.

To help you understand how hectic this morning was, we have an office of 5 technicians and a manager. We were all taking calls this morning. For close to an hour, we didn't have less than 20 calls waiting to be answered. At least we have a more laid back office than we used to. One of the girls that used to work there would have went crazy with that many calls. I kinda enjoyed it though. Maybe I am just a masochist.....


I finally got a well deserved vacation. I took Friday and Monday off from work. I drove home Thursday night.

It was great to be home. I haven't seen my parents since Father's Day, and hadn't spent the weekend at their house since before then! And Daddy's birthday is today, so I have to remember to call after I finish with my blog! I got him a new shirt because he gets everthing he wants himself. And he has over 600 DVDs!

Momma and I got to go shopping. It was fun. I bought a new purse and she got new sneakers. We also had fun window shopping in the Wal-Mart craft department. She picked out the dress she wants to make my neice for my wedding. Ashleigh will be 1.5 years old then. A little too young to be a flower girl, but that's ok. :)

We also made a baby blanket for a girl at work. I'll have to get her to take a picture of it because I didn't get a chance to. I'll post it once I can get one from her.

I also watched some movies with Daddy. We watched Sin City and Kung Fu Hustle. I liked Sin City, but Hustle was a bit of a let down. But then again, one of my friends had been talking a lot about going to see it, so I just set my expectations too high. It wasn't really a bad movie.

I came back early on Monday to talk to the florist, baker, rental place, and tux shop for the wedding. The baker was the one I was really worried about getting to. But her shop was closed because of storm damage to the HUGE oak tree right at her front door. I guess I will have to do that stuff by phone. If I can remember to call her....

That pretty much covers my weekend, other than saying I got to spend time in my parent's pool. LOVE THE POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was my only time to go swimming this year. I loved it.

09 August 2005

Maybe it's a Monday Week...

Ok, today just doesn't seem to be that much better than yesterday. Aren't Tuesdays supposed to be better than Mondays???

Well, I did get my grades. I got an A in all three classes. And I got my final essays back from my Theatre Appreciation teacher. A's on all of them. Out of the the 9-ish pages I only had one typo. So pretty good.

They finally got my financial aid posted so I could buy books. $241.77! That's more for 6 hours this fall than I paid for 9 hours this summer! And I will be using the same binder from the summer! At least one of the books will cover the next three semesters of that subject. (I had to get a Spanish book) But that is still much more than I expected.

We have had drama over baby gifts today. We have having a baby shower for a girl I work with tomorrow. It has been a struggle to get her gift together. The item she wanted, a video baby monitor, has been discontinued. But I won't go into that drama. I'm not even sure of the outcome.

To go back to a bittersweet topic, I am glad I was able to get my books. I need to review my spanish. I took 101 in the beginning of Summer 04, but haven't done anything with Spanish since then.

And now, it's almost time to go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08 August 2005

I think I might hate Mondays

Ok, I generally don't do Mondays well anyway, but every seems to be having one of those not so good Mondays today. When everyone is off, it just gets worse.

This weekend wasn't too bad, other than the fact that Josh and I did next to nothing together, even if we did stay home all weekend. Saturday we did some house and yard work. Then I read a book while he played Diablo II. Then we watched an episode of Wolf's Rain.

Sunday we went to church. It was my first time to sing with the Choir since October. I really enjoyed it, even if it was HOT. Then we did more reading, playing, and watched another ep.
Really exciting weekend.

The book I read was another Kay Scarpetta novel. I've read nine of them now. I need to see which ones I need to get. I've just been picking them up at random lately. I do have three or four novels in order though. But I want to try and get the rest of them.

I'll be going home on Thursday. I'm taking a couple of days off work to visit my parents. I haven't been home in a while. I'm excited about it. I'll hopefully get to go swimming while I'm there. I haven't been this year. The weekend cannot get here soon enough.

I also haven't recieved my grades yet. THEY NEED TO GET THEM POSTED!

04 August 2005

More Successes

I've done more on the wedding. I've had a coupe of people tell me that I needed to hire a wedding director. So I've picked one out. Now all I have to do is ask her. But it's hard to find this blasted lady when I need to talk to her!!!!!!!!
And I found Rachel's blog. It's listed in the sidebar. Rachel is a friend of my sister. She's a complete and total sweetheart. Hopefully she will put something up on her blog soon. Right now it only has a welcome message. But that's ok, you have to start somewhere.
I think I mentioned that I had picked out a couple of songs for the wedding... Or maybe I didn't. I'm honestly not sure...Anyway, I may have picked out the song I'll walk down the aisle to. I'm not positive yet. I may find something I like better when I really start listening to stuff. But for now I really like this one. Guess I should tell you what it is. 'To A Wild Rose' by some guy whose name I don't remember right now.

Ok. Now that I've shared some things, I'm going to go away. And probably find out that I had already posted some of this. ;)

01 August 2005

Success! Success!

Ok, things appear to be moving along smoothly for me. At least at the moment.
I got my paper handed in for my Criminal Justice class. I'm wondering if I will be able to get my final grade by the end of the week. She appears to be very behind in grading for that class.
I finished my final for Family and Marital Relations. I got a B on the final. If I calculated everything properly that gives me an A for the course.
I took the books for those two classes to the bookstore and they gave me $68.25!!!!!!!!!
I finished one of my three papers for my Theatre Appreciation class. I will miss that class. It was lots of fun. I will hopefully keep my A in there. Now I just have to finish the two essays for the final exam.

Josh and I also picked out two songs to have sung at the wedding.
'I Will Be Here' by Steven Curtis Chapman
'Til the End of Time' by Steven Green
I was surprised we picked them so easily. I was expecting to have to get a few more songs for us to listen to, but Josh really liked those!!!!!!! I'm so happy-We have the music. Now I know that I only need on tenor to sing at the wedding.

Brandi started back at work today!! She's been out on maternity leave for three months. I'm thrilled to have her back. Now I don't have to walk across campus to bounce wedding ideas off someone. I have some sitting next to me.
She's also going to be one of the wedding photographers, so it's even better.

One other good thing happened for work. Jan worked out the Fall schedule for the Helpdesk. Brandi being here has eased the schedule up for all of us. And I was able to get my lunch changed to 11:30. I can go eat with Josh whenever he is in town now!!!!!!!!

What a great start to the week!